Understanding and Supporting Student Behavior: Key Strategies for Educators and Practitioners
by Ashley Ponce BCBA, LBA **These are suggestions from a BCBA. This is no way recommendations saying these exact examples will work for your student/client. Each student/client requires strategies to be individualized to them. Task Analysis Task Analysis involves...
Addressing Mental Health in Schools Part II
Part 1 on this topic dove into the intricacies of the mental health issues that are running rampant throughout our school districts. Part II will look into actionable steps and other opportunities to combat this rising tide.
8 Tips for School Psychology Interns To Start the Year Right!
The internship experience can mix excitement and stress for School Psychologists. However, with the right direction (and supervision) it can be a crucial learning experience that sets you on a path to success within School Psychology. Now I know everyone has different...
Recharge Your Battery: 10 Ways to Make the Most of Your Summer Break
As the school year ends and we start to take our “Me” time, we need to make sure that we are prepared for the upcoming fall semester. Summer offers a perfect opportunity for us to relax, recharge, and prepare for the upcoming school year. With the pressures of...
Addressing Mental Health in Schools: Strategies for School Psychologists Part 1
Mental health is on the rise in our society. This is heightened in our educational system, especially with our students. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reported that more than 4 in 10 students felt persistently sad or hopeless and nearly one-third experienced...
Meaningful Conversations to Welcome Students Back to School
Students come from a diverse set of backgrounds. We shouldn’t assume that all student’s breaks are peaceful. Here are some alternative conversations to have with students after they return from break.
The Work Comes Second
Today I met with a classroom teacher to discuss some work samples for a six year old in her class. Within moments of sitting down at the tiny table near her desk, her eyes welled with unshed tears. “T isn’t doing the work,” she told me. The contents of her red work...
The History of Stakeholder
In the world of special education, terminology is ever-evolving. It can be hard to keep up with and understand the “why” behind the changes. We often refer to our families and learners as the “stakeholders” in the special education process. This is especially true in...
A Team Approach for Selective Mutism by Amy Shatila & Melissa Mathews
School-based assessments for children with selective mutism are becoming more common, and many of us aren’t sure where to start. We often take verbal communication for granted, and when a child isn’t speaking at school, our minds try to fill in the blanks. Is it...
Assistive Technology Considerations, More than Checking the Box
Assistive technology (AT) is one of those areas that always seems mysterious, like a man behind a brilliant green curtain pulling levers and turning dials to create a magical solution. For so many it can feel daunting and confusing as well. So what is AT exactly and...
How to Transform Entitlement into Empowerment
When you generally think of an entitled individual, what comes to mind? Someone who believes they deserve something without earning it? Someone who thinks the world revolves around them? What is entitlement really? How is it defined? When we look at the definition,...
Supporting LGBTQIA+ youth through inclusive language
As humans, it is our job to honor every person’s identity. As practitioners, it is our job to support all children by advocating for their rights and educating others about the support required for them to navigate school safely and to engage in learning. How are we...
Reconceptualizing Disability
Raise your hand if you’ve gotten an evaluation report that heavily focuses on deficits and leaves you wondering “What can this learner do? How are we going to find the staff to support them?” and “Where do we even start?” I see this all too often, especially with our...
The School Collective’s Official Statement on AP Psychology and Florida
Statement on AP Psychology and Florida Creating a safe space for individuals to learn about human sexuality and gender identity is a fundamental aspect of psychology. The School Collective stands with the American Psychological Association, the Florida Department of...
Setting Boundaries: Practical Guidelines You Can (& Should) Start Using Today
Are you smirking yet? Has your caregiver heart already kicked into defense mode, telling you that this won’t apply to you because your role is important and there are too many kids to serve? You’re not alone. Whether you’re a speech therapist, school psychologist, or...
What is The Collective and Why Should I Care?
What the hell is the Collective and why did Brook and I want to put ourselves through starting a business? It is a loaded answer that involves many late night plannings, energy drinks (for me), way too many puns and dad jokes (both of us are fathers), and a little bit...